Hi. On a typical day, I check my mail and news from a half-dozen or more different computers. Each time, I open an ssh connection to my home pc, bring up a new instance of emacs, and run `gnus-slave`. I also have a long-running emacs process on the same pc, which is running gnus (rather than gnus-slave). Gnus-slave does a fine job of remembering my mail marks (e.g., if I mark a message as read, gnus remembers that it's been read). Not so with news: if I mark a news article as read in gnus-slave, close that instance of emacs, then (later) launch another gnus-slave session, the article still shows up as unread. Is there any way to eliminate this behavior? Perhaps by signaling the long-running process to read the slave newsrcs? I'm also curious as to why it doesn't affect mail -- only news. Thanks in advance, --Joe -- Joseph Barillari -- http://barillari.org