Hi, I use Gnus for email. How can I make Gnus never automatically display HTML in an email? I'd also like the option to view the HTML in Gnus if I want to, but that isn't a hard requirement. Here's what I've tried so far, with limited success: * Disable automatic display of HTML (as suggested in (gnus) FAQ 4-6): (setq mm-automatic-display '("text/plain")) This did not work; sometimes Gnus would still automatically show me HTML in email when it appeared in a multipart message. * Ensure that Gnus does not accidentally render HTML in-line when it appears in a multipart/related email (as suggested in (gnus) MIME Commands): (setq gnus-mime-display-multipart-related-as-mixed t) This did not work (even after adding "text/html" to mm-discouraged-alternatives); Gnus would still automatically show me HTML in email when it appeared in a multipart message. I also tried the variations of this variable (gnus-mime-display-multipart-alternative-as-mixed, gnus-mime-display-multipart-as-mixed), but the results were the same. * Ignore HTML entirely: (setq gnus-ignored-mime-types '("text/html")) This DID work, actually. However, it's overkill for me, since it makes it a little difficult to view the HTML in Gnus or save it for viewing in another program. In addition, even though this effectively removed HTML parts from some emails, I was surprised to discover that for multipart emails, I was still able to press the button for the HTML part and view it in Gnus. I'm fine with that, since it still meets my requirements, but I'm surprised because I expected that Gnus would not even let me view the HTML part in this way. After all, I thought I had told Gnus to totally ignore HTML. Is this the intended behavior? If anyone has any tips on how to make Gnus never automatically display HTML in emails, while at the same time giving me the option of displaying the HTML in Gnus if I want to, that would be really nice! Thank you, -- Chris