I got the port 465 for smtpmail-smtp-service from KMail; with KMail I can send mail from this account. KMail has a configuration function that check what kind of authentification the server supports, and for this account it says the server supports SSL encryption and either LOGIN or PLAIN authentification, and it changes the port from 25 to 465. Since the smptmail manual says LOGIN authentification is supported, and since it works with KMail, I do not understand why it fails with Gnus. Have I failed to set a necessary variable? Is there another way to send mail with Gnus via an SMTP server? I would be grateful for any help. Steve Berman PS: As a sanity check, I also tried with the default port 25, and after a few minutes the transmission attempt broke off with the message "open-network-stream: make client process failed: connection timed out, :name, SMTP, :buffer, *trace of SMTP session to mail.myprovider.com*, :host, mail.myprovider.com, :service, 25" PPS: I had first tried the above setq except for not setting smtpmail-smtp-service, but including 465 smtpmail-auth-credentials. But with this I got the same result as reported in the above PS, including ":service, 25". PPPS: I have another email account with which I can send mail using Gnus, with a setup parallelling the above, except that the port in this case is indeed 25.