I want to CC a whole thread to somewhere else, is there a way to export the merged thread to one text file? It can be like this: ,---- | Subject: some title | From: the_first_one@some-addr.com | | He/She said something | | Subject: Re: some title | From: the_second_one@some-other-addr.com | | He/She replied something | | [...] | | Subject: a changed title | From: a_creative_man@his-addr.com | | He/She replied something `---- Is there a stock function for this? Or do I have to do it myself? -- Carl Lei (XeCycle) Department of Physics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University OpenPGP public key: 7795E591 Fingerprint: 1FB6 7F1F D45D F681 C845 27F7 8D71 8EC4 7795 E591