The message attached below isn't displayed well by Gnus. I suspect that it is incorrect MIME. Unfortunately, I'm getting a lot of messages like this from a certain source who can't change the software which generates them. So I'm wondering: are they in fact incorrect MIME, and is there a way to get Gnus to detect this and display them properly automatically? The messages consist of a multipart/related with type="multipart/alternative" and two sub-parts. The first subpart (part 1) is a multipart/alternative (which is correct) and the second (part 2) is an image (replaced below by a text/plain part). The enclosing multipart/related shouldn't be an alternative; I want to see one of the first two parts and the last part. If I hit `K m', Gnus somehow can tell this is what I want and fixes the message. I'd like this to happen automatically. By the way, before being fixed, `K b' only shows one button, which corresponds to part 1, the alternative. But I never see part 2. `C-u K b' fixes this, but shouldn't I see an alternative to part 1 with `K b'? `C-d' on the message shows the correct heirarchy of parts. Here is the message: