Hello I am using xemacs 21.4.18 (no mule or mule), the xemacs-pkg mail-lib 1.75 with the corresponding smtpmail pkg and starttls from ngnus-0.3. So far I have used sometimes bluebottle.com as an external smtp server using the 25 port. This worked without problem I have added my configuration below. Now I tried the same for gmail. Gmail however needs tls, and in fact with this port it works for me for mozilla. Now I tried to use the information available for example in http://www.pvv.ntnu.no/~terjeros/wiki/GnusGmail however when I try to set up the relevant setting for gnus (using message-mode) or for vm (using mail-mode), I am asked for my password, I type it but then the sending fails, with the following error message, Mechanism nil not implemented. What is the problem? Can anybody help me? Thanks Uwe Brauer Attached: 1. gmail-error 2.gmail-setting 3.bluebottle-setting (port 25)