Easior Lars writes: >>>>>> "LI" == Lars Ingebrigtsen writes: > > >> It is annoying that this group can't be deleted by 'G+DEL'. > > LI> Just kill it with `C-k'. Gmail is reporting a group that doesn't exist. > `c-k' does not take effects. In fact, this group will appear again > after gnus restarts next time. > LI> -- > LI> (domestic pets only, the antidote for overdose, milk.) > LI> bloggy blog http://lars.ingebrigtsen.no/ It's possible that you're seeing something that I ran into a while earlier. When `nnimap-get-groups' is called, to retrieve all the names of the groups on the server, it sometimes reads the group names incorrectly if they have characters that confuse the call to `read'. Try edebugging nnimap-get-groups and stepping through it until the response comes back from the LIST command, then look at the buffer and see what's there. It's possible a group name is being read incorrectly. It's also just possible that gnus is somehow barfing on the imaginary "[Gmail]" group that gmail likes to make. But I was able to visit the server's group list from the *Server* buffer and just kill the group there, as Lars mentioned. If it's really mis-reading the group name, you can try fooling with the local patch I use, which is ugly and probably highly dangerous for reasons I haven't thought of, but at least Works For Me: