Hello, I have come up with a way to translate nndiary entries to diary entries. The code is kind of rough (my first real elisp attempt), but it seems to be working for me. Motivation: nndiary is great, but you can't see your diary entries in your calendar or fancy-diary displays. Solution: For each nndiary group, make a file that gets stored where the diary entries are stored (i.e. ~/News/diary/diary) called diary that can be "#include"-d in your ~/diary file #include "~/News/diary/diary/diary" I had to slightly modify nndiary.el and gnus-diary.el to make this work. Don't think I broke anything. Then I made a second file nndiary-to-diary.el. Steps: 0) Install nndiary.el as per Didier's instructions 1) Put nndiary-to-diary.el in your load-path 2) edit .gnus: (require 'nndiary-to-diary) (add-hook 'nndiary-request-update-info-hooks 'gnus-nndiary-to-diary) 3) edit .emacs ;; Allow calendar and fancy-diary to see the included files (add-hook 'list-diary-entries-hook 'include-other-diary-files) (add-hook 'mark-diary-entries-hook 'mark-included-diary-files) 4) edit diary #include "~/News/diary/diary/diary" (or wherever your diary messages get put.) 5) Start gnus. The diary files are updated every time that you update the diary group (M-g, etc). Any comments are most welcome. Very much beta software by a very unknowledgeable lisp programmer. Hopefully Didier or someone else will polish it up.... However, it seems to mostly work. Cheers, Jody