Today, Jaap-Henk Hoepman wrote: > P.S.: Andreas, what method do you use to encrypt your mail? I don't > seem to recall seeing this behaviour using pgp and mailcrypt. I'm using gpg with gpg.el, but I have just tracked down the place where it goes wrong: my customisation. I have it archive mails and news before processing mime stuff (for attachments), which also catches pgpmime processing. This is done via: (defadvice gnus-inews-do-gcc (around gnus-news-do-gcc-inhibit-body-encoding first activate) (let ((message-inhibit-body-encoding t)) ad-do-it)) Alright, I commented it out. Let's see now what gnus does. [silence, as I restart Xemacs and send a test mail] Yes, now it appears in the archive, encrypted as it is supposed to be (with the receipient's public key). Alright, the first point (unencrypted messages in the archive) was a local configuration error, but I'd really like messages I send encrypted to be encrypted such that I can read it (as in, with my public key) in the archive. It looks a little tricky, can it be done? regards, -- Andreas Fuchs, , , antifuchs