Hi again, Trying to read a mail I wrote to myself shows something like this in the mime button: ,----[ PGG output ] | [[PGP Signed Part:From unknown user] | Signature made Thu Oct 10 14:10:05 2002 CEST using DSA key ID 04D7F45F | Good signature from "Andreas Stefan Fuchs " | aka "Andreas Stefan Fuchs " | aka "Andreas Stefan Fuchs " | aka "Andreas Fuchs " | aka "Andreas Fuchs " | aka "Andreas Fuchs " | aka "Andreas Stefan Fuchs (ASF3-RIPE) " | [GNUPG:] SIG_ID gr+CE63gUY+tuWcRx/cJHBnCKxQ 2002-10-10 1034251805 | [GNUPG:] GOODSIG B9C0C05804D7F45F Andreas Stefan Fuchs | [GNUPG:] VALIDSIG 7E3A99312430BC5A51ACF960B9C0C05804D7F45F 2002-10-10 1034251805 0 | [GNUPG:] TRUST_ULTIMATE | ] `---- As you can see, I am using english messages in gnupg. Could the changes to make german gpg messages work have altered "normal" behaviour? Thanks, -- Andreas Fuchs, , asf@jabber.at, antifuchs Was I helpful? Let others know: http://svcs.affero.net/rm.php?r=antifuchs