Kai Grossjohann writes: > I think this problem is AI complete if you want to do it properly. Well, I was planning on settling for non-proper solutions, then. > The author of a mail message wrote it in a monospaced (as opposed to > proportional) font. The author of a message tries to make it > readable. ...but then he shouldn't use a monospaced font! :-) Besides, that's not really the issue -- the issue is when to break lines, and when not to. It's OK to accept things as they come on a 80 column vt100, but I have a fairly large Emacs window, and I'd like to have text something more than just a narrow column. I understand that it might be difficult to recognize when things can't be broken, but some heuristics I'd suggest would be: o lines with very few (non-wsp) characters, say less than 30 o lines with lots of non-letters [|\(){},+-*/&%$#] o lines between «begin 644» and «end» :-) Perhaps what we really need is for some well chosen SGML tags to get accepted on Usenet. How about an SGML-hierarchy? RFD sgml.general, anyone? Have tags like , , , , for instance. > I'd imagine recognizing C might be rather easy: if the lines ends in > ";" it's C, if the prev and/or the next line is C and the line > contains "else", it's C, too. And wouldn't it be way cool to have this display as any other C-code (read: cc-mode/font-lock'ed)? I likes it. I likes it a lot. > But how would you tell the difference between English and Cobol in > "add a to b giving c"? ..and I'll worry about _that_ when somebody sends me messages with cobol in them. (Hey, how's font-locking in cobol-mode, anyway? :-) ~kzm -- Mail from aol.com and interramp.com domains will be discarded Finger for more info