I have this entry in my ~/.mailcap file: application/vnd.ms-powerpoint; /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/Microsoft\ Office/Office12/POWERPNT.EXE "`cygpath --windows %s`" `mailcap-parse-mailcaps' parses it and makes an entry in `mailcap-mime-data' as: (("application" ("vnd\\.ms-powerpoint" (viewer . "/cygdrive/c/Program\\ Files/Microsoft\\ Office/Office12/POWERPNT.EXE \"`cygpath --windows %s`\"") (type . "application/vnd\\.ms-powerpoint")) )) Note that the MIME type is regexp-quote'd. Because of this POWERPNT doesn't run automatically when playing such parts. May I install the patch attached below? Otherwise is there any deep reason r-q is indispensable?