A newsgroup I subscribe to, comp.compilers, has the wrong article count. I never see any new News unless I enter the group and ask for all articles. If I ask for the latest 200 articles, i.e. by C-u 1 0 0 RET on the group in the Group Buffer, I get nothing. Gnus seems to think there are 10651 articles in the group, but if I telnet to the server it says: group comp.compilers 211 411 8841 9514 comp.compilers I tried to kill the group and subscribe again, but that didn't help. I tried to find all mentions of the group in .newsrc.eld and other files and remove them. Then I restarted Emacs and Gnus, but that didn't help. Gnus still thinks there are 10651 articles in the group and gives me nothing when I ask for, say, the last 200. Any ideas? To generate this report, I restarted Emacs, then started Gnus with nntp+lysator:comp.compilers killed, changed nntp-record-commands to t and set gnus-verbose to 10. Then I subscribed to group and did C-u 1 0 0 RET to get the last 100 articles. Nothing seemed to happen. This is some of the *Messages* buffer: Denied server Opening nntp server on axis...failed Opening nntp server on axis... Denied server Opening nntp server on axis...failed Opening nntp server on lysator...done Checking new news...done Loading gnus-topic...done t 10 Woof! Woof! Retrieving newsgroup: nntp+lysator:comp.compilers... Loading gnus-ml...done Loading parse-time...done Fetching headers for nntp+lysator:comp.compilers... NNTP: Receiving headers...done Fetching headers for nntp+lysator:comp.compilers...done No articles in the group Loading gnus-async...done No unread news Auto-saving... Mark set Attached is the NNTP log and the .newsrc.eld. Here's what M-x gnus-bug RET generated: No Gnus v0.6 GNU Emacs 21.3.1 (i386--freebsd, X toolkit, Xaw3d scroll bars) of 2005-04-04 on gohan30.freebsd.org 200 news.lysator.liu.se InterNetNews NNRP server INN 2.4.3 ready (posting ok).