Lately, all my attempts to view PDF attachments have ended in 'mailcap-save-binary-file instead of popping up xpdf like they used to. After spending far to long last night digging through sources, the culprit turned out to be Lars' commit f8b31759 from December 6, which added the symbol doc-view-mode to mailcap-mime-data as a PDF viewer.[1] This confused mm-display-part, which thought all methods should be strings. Removing that test passes doc-view-mode on to mm-display-external, which already has provisions for funcalling symbols. That's what the first attached patch does. However, the support for lisp-based "external" viewers in mm-display-external seems not exactly complete. When I tried to show attachments with only the first patch applied, a doc-view-mode buffer replaced my article buffer, but focus remained in the summary buffer, and thus the keymaps were not those of DocView. The second patch below tries to alleviate that, but I'm out of my depth and not really happy with it. What I wanted to do was to let DocView (or in general, whatever lisp-based viewer mailcap would return) take over the frame, and when I'm done with it, pop back to my gnus windows. Ideally, I also think that it should be configurable to pop up a new frame, so I can keep reading the article while looking at the PDF. I settled instead for popping back to just the summary buffer, which means another keystroke to reopen the article. And the way I did that seems ugly and hackish to me. Thoughts? (emacs copyright assignment is on file, should you choose to apply either of these patches) ...Peder... Footnotes: [1] I'm not really conviced that was a good idea, but there's no reason it shouldn't work in principle. If it can be made to work as well as an external viewer, I'm probably in favour, as DocView in my already open emacs is much faster than spawning an external program when running X remotely over the wet string they label broadband. -- I wish a new life awaited _me_ in some off-world colony.