There's a problem I noticed in the (?nearly-)latest cvs patches to v5.8.0. The error occurs for me upon Gnus startup in the `mail-source-set-common-1' function in `mail-source.el'. Attached are my patch and also the backtrace of the error. Those of you who understand the guts of the `mail-source' processing could probably determine if this is a true fix or simply a band-aid to cover up a more fundamental problem ... but it at least got Gnus running for me again. Because I'm not sure if this is a real fix or just a band-aid, I'm not attempting to apply this patch to cvs (and so far no having tried to apply anything else to cvs, I'm not even sure if I'd be authorized to do so). Therefore, if someone who can apply cvs patches determines that this indeed is a bona-fide fix, then it would still have to be applied to the archive. In case this matters, these are my `nnmail-*' and `mail-source-*' variables from my `.gnus.el' file: (setq nnmail-spool-file '((directory :path "/home/me/Mail/instuff/" :suffix ".in")) nnmail-use-long-file-names t nnmail-cache-accepted-message-ids t nnmail-crosspost nil mail-source-directory "~/Mail/Incoming/" mail-source-delete-incoming nil mail-source-movemail-program "/usr/bin/movemail" ) I hope this helps ...