On Mon, Oct 04 2010, Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen wrote: > "Austin F. Frank" writes: > >>> (nnimap-split-methods (("your" "split"))))) >> >> How would it look if it used fancy splitting? > > (nnimap-split-methods '(| (fancy-split blah blah))) > > The manual has several fancy split examples, I think. OK, then I might not be quite the dunce I thought I was. Hopefully this is a legitimate bug report. With the following configuration: #v+ (add-to-list 'gnus-secondary-select-methods '(nnimap "dc" (nnimap-address "localhost") (nnimap-stream shell) (nnimap-shell-program "/opt/local/sbin/dovecot --exec-mail imap") (nnimap-nov-is-evil nil) (nnimap-inbox "INBOX") (nnimap-split-methods '(| (any "user2@example.*" "mail.personal") (any "user1@bcs\\.example\\.com" "mail.academic") (any "user1@cs\\.example\\.com" "mail.academic") (any ".*@\\cs.example\\.com" "mail.academic") (any ".*@.*\\.edu" "mail.academic") (any ".*orgmode.*" "group.orgmode") (any "user3@example\\.com" "mail.general") "mail.misc")))) #v- Gives this backtrace when I start gnus with `debug-on-error' set to t. The byte code is elided. #v+ Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument sequencep quote) nnmail-article-group(nnimap-dummy-active-number nil nnimap-save-mail-spec) nnmail-check-duplication("<8416-48739-11KTXM-7A950L-JEQM1X-W0H5B2-0VIKNE-T-M2-20100916-b9b71b5d26c19d8@e-dialog.com>" nnimap-save-mail-spec nnimap-dummy-active-number nnimap-save-mail-spec) nnmail-process-mmdf-mail-format(nnimap-save-mail-spec nnimap-dummy-active-number nnimap-save-mail-spec) nnmail-split-incoming(# nnimap-save-mail-spec nil nil nnimap-dummy-active-number nnimap-save-mail-spec) nnimap-split-incoming-mail() nnimap-request-scan(nil "dc") gnus-request-scan(nil (nnimap "dc" (nnimap-address "localhost") (nnimap-stream shell) (nnimap-shell-program "/opt/local/sbin/dovecot --exec-mail imap") (nnimap-nov-is-evil nil) (nnimap-inbox "INBOX") (nnimap-split-methods nnimap-split-fancy) (nnimap-split-methods (quote (| (any "user2@example.*" "mail.personal") (any "user1@bcs\\.example\\.com" "mail.academic") (any "user1@cs\\.example\\.com" "mail.academic") (any ".*@.*example\\.com" "mail.academic") (any ".*@.*\\.com" "mail.academic") (any ".*orgmode.*" "group.orgmode") (any "user3@example\\.com" "mail.general") "mail.misc"))))) gnus-read-active-file-1((nnimap "dc" (nnimap-address "localhost") (nnimap-stream shell) (nnimap-shell-program "/opt/local/sbin/dovecot --exec-mail imap") (nnimap-nov-is-evil nil) (nnimap-inbox "INBOX") (nnimap-split-methods nnimap-split-fancy) (nnimap-split-methods (quote (| (any "user2@example.*" "mail.personal") (any "user1@bcs\\.example\\.com" "mail.academic") (any "user1@cs\\.example\\.com" "mail.academic") (any ".*@.*example\\.com" "mail.academic") (any ".*@.*\\.com" "mail.academic") (any ".*orgmode.*" "group.orgmode") (any "user3@example\\.com" "mail.general") "mail.misc")))) nil) gnus-read-active-file(nil nil) gnus-setup-news(nil nil nil) byte-code("...") gnus-1(nil nil nil) gnus(nil) call-interactively(gnus nil nil) #v- The config and backtrace have been sort of anonymized, so they might not match up correctly. To me it looks like the problem isn't with my specific rules, and so the anonymization shouldn't hurt debugging efforts. If anyone needs to see the exact splitting rules, I'd be happy to send them offlist. This is with a git version of gnus checked out at revision cf281aa36ffcb574b3a838074398baabea0fbdaf. Thanks, /au -- Austin Frank http://aufrank.net GPG Public Key (D7398C2F): http://aufrank.net/personal.asc