>>>>> Didier Verna writes: > [Question about editing mails/posts in another frame] A long time ago (back in September days, I think) I provided some feedback to the windows-config info page. I don't know if anything's changed enough to invalidate it, but I still take my own advice :-) and it works Ok for me. Here's my configuration. Note that I don't delete the frame after use -- I leave it there so things start up more quickly the next time I need to do an edit (includes message, group-edit etc). On another note, does anyone else have trouble with Didier's messages having two x-face headers. They caused emacs to core dump on me. Next time I'm going to run without a coredump size limit and submit a bug report, but I'm curious if I'm the only one. Hth, Dave Goldberg Post: The Mitre Corporation\MS B305\202 Burlington Rd.\Bedford, MA 01730 Phone: 781-271-3887 Email: dsg@mitre.org