I don't know if this will work in your situation, but it's what I use. I got used to using Fcc with mh-e, which copies to MH folders. My MH folders are now my nnml groups, so I wanted an Fcc that would both copy to the folder in MH style, but also update the overview file so I wouldn't have to run nnml-generate-nov-databases. I came up with the following after poring over the nnml source. I'm not sure how safe it is to count on nnml-request-accept-article's calling convention but it's the best I could find. Note that I decided to grab the Fcc behavior from mh-e so I'd get completion on group names. That requires a bit of mucking with the resulting string (have to convert from x/y/z to x.y.z) but to me it's worth it. If you don't use that then your message-fcc-handler-function can be made much simpler.