> dsg@linus.mitre.org (David S. Goldberg) writes: >> Unfortunately, the system that generates these damn To lines splits >> it into several To headers, most of which are to long and the >> long-to element only gets rid of the first one. > If you want to get rid of these, you should add a `many-to' boring > header hiding type instead. Sounds reasonable. Here's one such implementation. I've also patched gnus.texi to document it. One thing that I found kind of weird while working on this: My first thought was to simply re-search-forward to the first `to' header and call (gnus-article-hide-header "to"). Go back to the beginning and try again. Repeat until none left. This didn't work because re-search-forward would end up finding the hidden text and so even though I'd call gnus-article-hide-header multiple times, it only affected the first instance of the header (I verified this behavior with the debugger, the return value from re-search-forward in gnus-article-hide-header was always the same thing). But... if I selected the *Article* buffer (after reading it), turned off read-only and explicitly called (gnus-article-hide-header "to") via eval-expression, it did the "right" thing and got rid of each instance of the header in succession. I'm curious as to why this happens. Anyway as you can see, my workaround was to go to the last occurrence, narrow the region, hide and then back up. This seems awfully inefficient, but it works. -- Dave Goldberg Post: The Mitre Corporation\MS B305\202 Burlington Rd.\Bedford, MA 01730 Phone: 781-271-3887 Email: dsg@mitre.org