Hello world, I apologize for a message that is perhaps only tangentially related (but as a long time Gnus user, I will assert that it is at least tangentially related :-) ). I seem to have accumulated a no longer insignificant minority of colleagues who insist on sending me HTML email. Mostly I file it in the bit bucket and figure "fsck 'em", but periodically I actually do care about the message. Sometimes "W h" gets the job done. But sometimes the messages include inline images. In those cases, "W h" often makes things worse. What I see is something like this: 1. (*) text/plain ( ) text/html From: John Doe (john.doe@example.org) To: Some Address (someone@example.com) What: Issue Created Link: https://example.com/browse/UOV-235 ---- Dear John I have observed a severe bug... 1. I choose the Frobnitz Widget. Fine so far. [cid:22DAA184-A92E-4788-9E00-8A0F4184DB75@xxx.example.org] ... What's the state of the art for dealing with messages like this in Gnus? Emacs 23 can display inline graphics, so I'd probably be content if I could just make [cid:xxx] elements resolve to the images. I'll be honest, I usually just bail at this point and run 'ripmime' in /tmp and look at the images out-of-band. But that's a PITA. Be seeing you, norm -- Norman Walsh | Labor, n. One of the processes by which http://nwalsh.com/ | A acquires property for B.--Ambrose | Bierce