**drumroll** please ... Continuing in the fine tradition of Gnus leadership in multimedia News and Mail, here is earcon.el & gnus-sound.el. :-) To use, put (require 'earcons) (add-hook 'gnus-article-display-hook 'gnus-earcon-display) in your .gnus. The sound files are available here ftp://ftp.miranova.com/pub/people/Steve.Baur/Gnus-Sounds.tar.gz Install the sounds in gnus-5.2.29/etc/sounds You have a choice between buttonizing earcons a la URL buttons, or having them played when a message is displayed (controlled through the earcon-auto-play variable). To play a buttonized earcon, select them the same way you select URLs. The sound playing function is portable to GNU Emacs, but you will need a .wav player to play all of the sounds currently being used. Perhaps Mark Boyns can fix this. You can customize the sound playing programs by modifying the appropriate variables in gnus-sound.el. If you don't have a showaudio script, use #! /bin/sh /bin/cat $* > /dev/audio There are currently some dependencies on Gnus utility functions that will need to be modularized out of Gnus to make this code usable with W3, VM, etc. Earcons are recognized in three pieces a prefix, a label, and a suffix. The prefix and suffix are currently set to `**'. The label determines which sound gets selected. This is a plug-in to Gnus, so if it makes you **gag**, you can just **flush** it away ... :-)