/ Norman Walsh was heard to say: | I have no idea how/why it traced to nnml:misc. | It isn't there, it wasn't sent from there, and it's never been there. Here | are the headers for it: [...] | Curiously, if I look in .gnus.registry.eld, sure enough I find: | | ("" ((mtime 18380 22548 203572)) "w3c.member.tag" "nnml:misc") | | So now I guess the question is, who decided to put nnml:misc in there? And the answer to that question is, because this split rule didn't match: ("sender" "^tag-request@w3.org" "w3c.member.tag") I took the "^" out, moved it down a little bit in the list, and now the right thing happens. And I think this resolves the mystery of how *my original* got misfiled. And that, in turn, resolves the mystery of why the parents were wrong. So it was user error after all. But we knew that already, right? :-) Be seeing you, norm -- Norman Walsh | There has never been a perfect http://nwalsh.com/ | government, because men have passions; | and if they did not have passions, | there would be no need for | government.-- Voltaire