Uwe Brauer writes: >>> "Rainer" == Rainer M Krug writes: > > > Hi > > At the moment I am using OpenPGP to sign and encrypt my emails, but > > this does not work easily on my iPhone (please tell me otherwise if it > > does?). > > No it is not, unfortunately. There is no native support and the 3rd > party pkgs are not terrible easy to use, since they are not integrated > with the email reader. One of them is even not gpg conform and it was > impossible to import an old gpg key of mine. > > This was one of the reasons for me to switch to smime. Hm - not nice. I thought there would be an easy option. > > > But the iPhone implements S/MIME encryption. Now what are the > > advantages of using each as a standard signing / encryption? Which > > one is better / safer? I have OpenPGP working via gnus on a Mac and > > am happy with it. > > Both use a-symmetric encryption and are both safe, what is radially > different is the distribution of public keys. Pgp/gpg has a key model in > which you generate your key pair and distribute your public key or > uplaod it to a server. The problem is not safety but authency so in gpg > you hope that your key on the server gets signed but a sufficient amout > of trustworthy people. > > Smime has a hirachical model. There are a couple of organisations with > posses a root certificate in which signed public keys (called > certificates). You typically apply for such a certificate (a process in > which the encryption module of your bowswer generate your private key), > the authority then allows you to download your certificate signed by > their root certificate, confirming usually only the authenticity of your > email address. Thanks - the difference is clear to me. > > > So - what are others using and why? Should I use S/MIME instead? > > > Well it is much easier to use and also easier to convince others to use > it as well, because > > > - It is integrated in your email reader usually. > > - You do not have to generate a key pair for your self. > > - And you do not need to exchange the public keys, they are > automatically included in your signature. > > - it is compatible with the iPhone. Good arguments - but I am using a Mac and the GPG version for the mac does not yet included gpgsm - so I have the option of using the homebrew version, wait, or not use easyPG in GNUS. Cheers, Rainer > > cheers > > Uwe Brauer -- Rainer M. Krug email: Rainerkrugsde PGP: 0x0F52F982