On 2016-01-15 06:30, asjo@koldfront.dk (Adam Sjøgren) writes: > I would think that you would lose the ability to search across the > servers/indexes, but maybe that is what you want, when you split them > up? You can still craft a nnir request that spans over several servers. Here is what I do to search my two local dovecot servers: (global-set-key (kbd " M") (lambda () (interactive) (gnus-group-make-nnir-group nil '((nnir-group-spec . (("nnimap:inria") ("nnimap:local"))))))) Alan -- OpenPGP Key ID : 040D0A3B4ED2E5C7 Athmospheric CO₂ (Updated January 13, 2016, Mauna Loa Obs.): 401.97 ppm