<#secure method=pgpmime mode=sign> Hi I am using offlineimap to sync my email and it works nicely from gnus to access my emails. Only this morning, offlineimap did not sync my gmail account anymore. so I added my gmail account in my gnus.el. Some time later, I figured out why offlineimap was not working anymore, and I removed the imap+gmail definition (and all references to it) from my gnus.el file. But whenever I start gnus, the gmail server is still there and I can not kill it. When I try to kill it with "k", I get the error message ,---- | gnus-server-kill-server: Read-only server nnimap:gmail `---- I do not want to fiddle with my .gnusrc.eld file. I finally managed thanks to backups, but there must be a better way? I could only find this old answer, which is likely completely outdated [1]. Additionally: what is the correct procedure to remove a server from gnus, which has been defined in the gnus.el file? Thanks, Rainer Footnotes: [1] http://www.theusenetarchive.com/usenet-message-how-to-kill-a-server-37906822.htm -- Rainer M. Krug email: Rainerkrugsde PGP: 0x0F52F982