FYI. There is a followup/related discussion to this question at and in particular "Moving email is trivial -- you just need to call gnus-summary-move-article to move things to the place you want to archive them. But that function does not return the URL of the moved article (as one might hope). So I see two possibilities, essentially: a) pull it out of the function and subfunctions b) (when moving to a backend that uses NOV databases, like nnfolder) pull it out of the NOV file, the last moved message is the last one on the list Of the two, method a) seems cleaner in principle, but it requires a fair amount of knowledge of the gnus internals -- and the change would have to make it back into gnus, otherwise the method could break inconveniently timed in the future. Method b) is easier and does not require changing the main body of gnus code, but is somewhat messy and inelegant. So in effect I was wondering whether I missed a method c) -- and whether anyone had already thought about either a) or b)." Regards, Georg -- Georg C. F. Greve Free Software Foundation Europe ( Join the Fellowship and protect your freedom! ( What everyone should know about DRM (