Running CVS w3 [Adding a little controversy to the raging message ID debate, you can see what version of CVS I'm running by converting the unix epochal time in mine --perl -e "print scalar localtime " I don't often browse the web with w3, mostly let it work inside gnus for me or on, local disk. Today I tried connecting to several sites and get this strange, but obiously intended to be humorous message. `HTTP/0.9 How I hate thee!' According to *Messages* buffer the startup page is downloaded: After pressing M-x w3: Downloading of `' complete. Parsed 82% of 2632... Parsed 100% of 2632...done Drawing... | HTTP/0.9 How I hate thee! Drawing... done Quit With a very lengthy pause between the `Drawing.. done' and pressing `g'. Pinging that address works and a traceroute to `' shows reasonable output. That reminded me that I've never been able to find a command to load a url from the emacs prompt. Other than a local file that is. There doesn't seem to be an equivalent to `M-x w3-open-local' until you've loaded the home page then use `C-o'. Two items from C-h v load-path : "/usr/local/w3/url/lisp" "/usr/local/w3/w3/lisp" both accurate addresses. So hiding all the *.elc files in both my cvs w3 and url directories, enable debug on quit and let 'er rip... And M-x w3....