I'm working on enhancing mailcrypt (support pgp 6.x, "better" remailer support, blah blah) and I'm trying to understand why, at the start of gnus-summary-edit-article the function (gnus-summary-show-article t) is called. I need to decrypt a message (perhaps) multiple times recursively. Each successive decryption is applied to the current article. mailcrypt calls gnus-summary-edit-article in order to do this. To complicate matters, I use nnimap as my backend. This backend does not support writes. So, rather than calling gnus-summary-edit-article-done mailcrypt calls gnus-summary-edit-article-postpone. I suppose if the -done function was called (and the backend supported editing) then the decryption would be saved to the message store and subsequent calles to the base -edit function would behave as expected. Anyway, using -postpone, the next call to gnus-summary-edit-article causes the article to be refreshed from the message store. End of recursive decoding since we'll allways be decoding the original message rather than each intermediate step of the decoding process.... I'm not sure what would break if we didn't reload the article before calling the -edit base. Anyone know? Attached is the "patch" if you can call it that. I'd appreciate knowing why this should not be applied...