Hello, I am trying to write a small document onto the french Gnus user site [1] about configuring Gnus to fight spam using Ted's work. As I am not a real expert at this, I would expect your help ;) What are according to your current settings the proper way to configure Gnus for that ? What's the best approach to get, to have it working perfectly ? What spam filter to use and how ? I have my own ideas on the subject as I have configured mine, but I need more feedbacks from other people to be as accurate as possible. What did people use : hand writing or customize stuff ? Why one way and not the other ? Thanx for your help. zeDek P.S: people contributing will be listed as helpers for the article except if it annoy or they explecitely refuse. Footnotes: [1] http://gnusfr.org -- http://www.gnusfr.org -- French Gnus user site Anti-war disclaimer: "Bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity"