Hello, I tried to fetch articles from the group buffer using 'J s' and after several minutes, I got this back trace: ,---- | Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Buffer exceeds maximum size") | imap-fetch(3521 "BODY.PEEK[]" BODYDETAIL nil " *nnimap* gnu-rox.org") | ad-Orig-nnimap-request-article-part(3521 "BODY.PEEK[]" BODYDETAIL "INBOX.mail" "gnu-rox.org" nil detail) | nnimap-request-article-part(3521 "BODY.PEEK[]" BODYDETAIL "INBOX.mail" "gnu-rox.org" nil detail) | ad-Orig-nnimap-request-article(3521 "INBOX.mail" "gnu-rox.org" nil) | nnimap-request-article(3521 "INBOX.mail" "gnu-rox.org" nil) | gnus-request-article(3521 "nnimap+gnu-rox.org:INBOX.mail") | gnus-agent-fetch-articles("nnimap+gnu-rox.org:INBOX.mail" (1513 1524 1564 1566 1568 1574 1581 1659 1664 1684 1685 1689 1694 1702 1705 1710 1714 1756 1758 1765 1774 1781 1797 1849 1852 1858 1942 1943 1944 1952 1954 1959 1981 2023 2035 2037 2038 2039 2040 2042 2043 2049 2050 2051 2064 2074 2075 2076 2085 2087 ...)) | gnus-agent-fetch-group-1("nnimap+gnu-rox.org:INBOX.mail" (nnimap "gnu-rox.org" (nnimap-address "mail.gnu-rox.org") (nnimap-stream tls) (nnimap-server-port 143) (nnimap-authenticator cram-md5) (nnimap-list-pattern ("*")) (remove-prefix "INBOX.") (nnimap-authinfo-file "/home/zedek/.authinfo"))) | gnus-agent-fetch-session() | call-interactively(gnus-agent-fetch-session) `---- What can I do to "increase" this buffer maximum size stuff ? Regards. -- GNUSFR.ORG http://gnusfr.org/ EMACSFR.ORG http://emacsfr.org/ Xavier Maillard Tel: +33 6 68 04 64 37