Hi! I run the CVS version of Gnus from like 3 days ago. When I try to post on my usenet group I get : post failed 437 No colon-space in "X-Face:" header I've seen a thread already on that at : http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=fr&th=5d9660906ba40817&rnum=1 I've looked at my CVS version and the patch has been commited. But it seems that the bug still exists. As my LISP skills really sux, I can't help that much. For now, I have to remove the X-face to be able to post my message. Hope it helps. -- Fabien Penso - http://perso.LinuxFR.org/penso/ Un seul être vous manque, et tout est dépeuplé. Alphonse de Lamartine, Méditations.