<#secure method=pgpmime mode=sign> On 13 mai 2003, Jorge Godoy spake thusly: > Xavier Maillard writes: > > > Whenever I sign a message to the ding list and then read, it shows > > me it failed verifying the sign. What it is really weird is that it > > *ONLY* happens in this group but I can easily verify any "self" > > signed message in other groups. > > It happens to me randomly. I think it's something related to the key > and its processing under Gnus. > > Your signature failed for me now. Mine will be OK (I have tried that > before), at least for me, in this very same group... Yours is not OK ;) zeDek -- http://www.gnusfr.org -- French Gnus user site Anti-war disclaimer: "Bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity"