Hi, I am now using spam.el for months and seems I use my Gnus quite often, I was expecting spam to be carried out from 'legal' group automagically: I mean when fecthing new mails. But it is not ! :( At least for me. So I know my setup is good (but in case of doubt, I can post it), and that marking article as spam, and/or quitting a group do the right job (moving spam to the spam group, etc...). My question is more directed to bogofilter performance than other. How can I train easily and without too much effort, bogofilter through the Gnus spam-group feature ? A friend of mine has recently sent to me a 4Mb tar archives full of spam (yeah it rocks), but I don't really know how to play with all this stuff. The aim behind this is to inject all this s*t into my dedicated spam-group group and train bogofilter in it. I am fairly sure that the bad quality of the spam detection in my groups comes from this: didn't train it enough before. Am I right or am I missing something ? Thx, zeDek -- http://www.gnusfr.org -- French Gnus user site Anti-war disclaimer: "Bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity"