On 9 Jan 2004, Norman Walsh said: > Someone recommended that I switch to MIME signatures, so I pulled out > my mailcrypt stuff and started using: > > ;; PGG > (require 'pgg) > > (setq pgg-cache-passphrase t) > (setq pgg-passphrase-cache-expiry 7200) > > ;; Emacs should always decrypt and verify emails automatically > (setq mm-verify-option 'always) > (setq mm-decrypt-option 'always) > > ;; Automcatically sign when sending mails > > (defun always-sign () > (mml-secure-message-sign-pgpmime)) > > (add-hook 'gnus-message-setup-hook 'always-sign) > > Seems to work ok, but the OASIS mailing list software totally mangles > my messages. So the question is, is it their bug or mine? Can someone > who actually knows such things, tell me if this message is well > formed? Yours is ok. zeDek -- GnusFR (http://www.gnusfr.org) EmacsFR (http://www.emacsfr.org) .emacs: Because customisation is fun!