François Pinard writes: > It would also be nice if software was offering to display dates as > ISO dates, would it imply a conversion at display time. A `Wash Dates' > feature, in Gnus terms :-). I suspect if you submit a patch with an iso-wash-date function, Lars will add it to Gnus with no fuss. > > Sure. But we have a situation where all current software supports > > RFC822 Date headers, and parsing those headers aren't all that difficult. > > Parsing by software? Yes, no problem there. RFC 822 date headers are not easy to parse by software. Both news and mail format standards are up for revision currently. You can participate in the work simply be subscribing to the proper mailing lists. For news, it is I don't know the address for the new mail format standard, but I'm sure someone here does. In an uncommon strike of common sense, the current suggestion for date header in the comming news standard is "whatever the mail guys come up with". ISO 8601 has been suggested, but they news people wisely decided to leave that battle for the mail group.