Date: 27 Sep 1999 18:40:44 +0200 From: Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen To: Subject: CVS write access policy & nntp gateway & bug reports & stuff Message-ID: References: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen writes: > (And we're still testing the news-to-mail thing.) Hey! It worked! Anybody can now access the news server. Gatewaying back and forth seems to work ok, so anyone who want to use it -- feel free. CVS read policy: Anyone who wants to check things out of the CVS thing -- go ahead. CVS write policy: People who have write access can check things into the repository whenever they feel like it. Before doing a release, I will be going over the diff and chucking out anything I don't like, but if nobody puts in things I don't like, that will make things easier for me. :-) But you have my confidence. Oh, but pleeeze -- please update the ChangeLog when you do any changes. Perhaps a pgnus-current.tar.gz package should be created once a day -- just a CVS checkout, and then tarred and gzipped? All bug reports go to the gnus-bug newsgroup. Perhaps this group shouldn't be open for reading for the entire world, since there might be sensitive information there? How about password-protecting that group, but with a "public" password that people on this list knows about? -- (domestic pets only, the antidote for overdose, milk.) * Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen