I just upgraded from 5.1, and had a bit trouble figuring out what was new. Here is a list of what I found. Maybe it should be added to the distribution? ---- NEWS ---- * New features in Gnus: ** Support for trn-like graphical tree display. Enable with (setq 'gnus-use-trees t). ** Topics. Groups can now be organized into different topics. Type `t' to enable, and `T C-h' to get a list of commands. ** Improve support for including old articles in thread display. The old code would only include articles that hadn't expired. Enable new code with (setq gnus-build-sparse-threads t). ** Allow composing multiple messages simultaneously. You can now compose multiple news or mail replies simultaneously, and you do no longer have to send the messages before you exit. Enter the `nndraft:drafts' group and type `S D c' to continue composing a message. ** Allow retrying posting a rejected news article. If the server reject a news article, you can enter the `nndraft:drafts' group and type `S D b' to try posting it again. ** Automatic logging of outgoing mail and news. Disable with (setq gnus-message-archive-group nil). ** Support for off-line mail and news reading using the SOUP format. Gnus will now create and read SOUP format packages. Read the manual before trying this! ** New nn-like pick mode. This will allow you to pick the articles you want to read before reading them. Type `M-x gnus-pick-mode RET' to try it. ** New mode for browsing binary groups. Type `M-x gnus-binary-mode RET' to try it. ** Restricted summary view. The `/' key now allows you to restrict the summary view, for example will `/ s gnu RET' restrict the view to all messages with `gnu' in its subject. ** The group buffer is now fontified. See `gnus-group-highlight' for how to customize it. ** The group buffer can be sorted automatically. Type `G S C-h' for a list of sort commands. ** Commands now work on the active region. If the region is active, most commands will work on all items in the region. Use `C-u M-x transient-mark-mode RET' to enable active regions. ** More flexible buffer configuration. See `gnus-buffer-configurationų. ** Header buttons. Mail addresses and message-ids in the header are now buttons. Push `mouse-2' or `RET' to activate them. ** You can now hide PGP signatures. Type `W W p' to try this. ** NoCeM support. You can now honor a secure replacement for cancels, somehow. ** You can resent messages with `S D r'. ** You can reparent mail messages with `T ^'. ** There is support for having multiple posting styles. So you e.g. can use different signatures in different groups. See section `Posting Styles' in the manual. ** Many bugs fixed and improvements of existing functionality. ** Even more new bugs. ** XEmacs specific enhancements: *** Toolbar. *** Picons support.