>>>>> In >>>>> Steven L Baur wrote: Steven> The code for it in tm is richtext.el, and the MIME type it put Steven> on that message was: Steven> Mime-Version: 1.0 (generated by tm-edit 7.53) Steven> Content-Type: text/richtext; charset=US-ASCII Steven> The copy I got was indeed enriched automatically by TM. Steven> Is text/enriched preferred then instead of text/richtext? My Steven> mailcap came with both defined identically, so I guess it Steven> could go either way. But if TM is using a suboptimal name, Steven> then now is the time to get it fixed. tm supports both text/enriched and text/richtext. Because an news reader for NeXT uses text/richtext. In fact, richtext support of tm was made for a NeXT user. After that, RMS requested me to use enriched.el. So I rewrote tm-rich.el to use enriched.el. However I supported text/richtext too for compatibility. RMS requested me to write text/richtext converter so I wrote richtext.el (however richtext.el wasn't bundled into Emacs :-P) Anyway, richtext.el requires enriched.el so it supports both formats. Maybe the name `richtext.el' is confusing. By the way, now enriched.el is included in Emacs 19.29 or later and XEmacs 19.14 or later. text/enriched is more readable than text/richtext. It uses ``n-1 rule'' instead of `' tag. ``n-1 rule'' is simple. N-1 line brakes is encoded to N line breaks. I think `text/enriched' is more readable than `_^Ht_^He_^Hx_^Ht_^H/_^He_^Hn_^Hr_^Hi_^Hc_^Hh_^He_^Hd'. So I think text/enriched is not so bad. Thanks, -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Morioka Tomohiko (`Morioka' is my family name, `Tomohiko' is my personal name.) ------- I protest resumption of French and Chinese nuclear testing.---