Stainless Steel Rat writes: > JK> 1. scenario: Virtual memory fills up, > > I find this to be a neat trick, considering that on the "bloated" Windows > 95 platform I can run GNU Emacs 19.34, Gnus, bbdb, mailicrypt, supercite, > and the rest of my 12Mb or so collection of Emacs Lisp dohickies, and still > not force my swap file above 20Mb on a 12Mb RAM machine. In fact, right > now my swap file is just over 11Mb. That just *might* have something to do with the 20000 (hmm, 19498) people in my BBDB database. I really should do something about it. Though, it's nice to know you once posted as "Downwardly Mobile Lemmings", didn't you :-) And here's the "top" line: ? 3977 kriegjcb 154 20 46588K 46020K sleep 14:11 0.80 0.79 emacs Unfortunately, this is not my private machine. Jost