On Fri, Apr 29 2011, Antoine Levitt wrote: > Really? I do see freezes that look like they are related to image > downloading. Can you try rendering gwene.com.wordpress.terrytao for > instance? Here, it freezes emacs for a few seconds, even on a fast > connection, and C-ging it with toggle-debug-on-quit gives a backtrace to > url-retrieve. I don't use NNTP, so I can't test, but what I can say is that most of freeze I'm experiencing is due to slow/no DNS resolution or connection. It seems to methat resolving/connection is blocking Emacs, but not the data downloading. That's something Lars proposed to tackle down a while back on emacs-devel IIRC, btw. -- Julien Danjou ❱ http://julien.danjou.info