I am trying to get set up with S/MIME. I have no personal cert yet, but I have imported a correspondent's key and CA cert and marked the CA trusted. gpgsm on the command line will verify a message. I read this: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/GnusSMIME and set: (setq mml-smime-use 'epg) which seems to be the default these days if epg exists. (I am using gnus from git master, via load-path, and emacs 23.4.1.) But I still get "No CA configured" when displaying a message (which is really a base-64 encoded s/mime signed message). This is in smime-verify-region which is the openssl variant. Can someone tell me what the best thing to do is for S/MIME? (I have been happily using OpenPGP with epg for many years.)