Lars Ingebrigtsen writes: > You cloud-enable the servers/groups you're interested in having be > device-independent. For me, this would be Gmane/Gwene groups, as well > as my home IMAP server. > > Gnus will then ping the new RESTful server with updates > on new groups and marks. From the Gnus side, this will look pretty much > like what's Gnus is doing now with IMAP -- we tell the server what we've > read, and what groups we're (un)subscribing. Signing up for the server > would be a zero-click process. I.e., you just say what your cloud user > name and password is, and it'll be created if it doesn't exist, and if > it does, Gnus will keep the account updated. There was rightful outrage at putting private data in a cloud server, but it's easy to deflect by separating the cloud concept and having to use a particular server. As long as the server code is also Free, people can just point their gnus clients at their own server.