I just updated from emacs 25 to 26, and hence updated gnus. I use gnus, against a dovecot imap server on localhost. Generally things have been fine; I've been using gnus like this since about 2005. Host is NetBSD, but that seems unlikely to matter. After updating, I am observing that on displaying some messages (articles :-) emacs seems to hang, and ^G results in seeing something that looks like source. Another issue is that after typing 'f' to create a reply-all buffer, C-c C-y to quote the article results in 100% cpu usage with ^G not interrupting. I realize I should set debug-on-error and figure out what's going on, but I don't know how to deal with ^G not working. I also realize this report is lame and not actionable, but I wonder if others have seen problems that might be similar or have advice. Greg