Erik Colson writes: > When I use gnus-summary-move-article [Bm] to move an article into > another group on a dovecot imap server, the timestamp in other clients > gets changed to actual date/time. The header of the article still > represents the correct timestamp though (and so does gnus). But the > timestamp is faulty when accessing the group through on my Mac. I have noticed this as well, but I was never clear on whether the received date was wrong or if it was just that clients other than gnus were sorting on the wrong date. This seems to be the IMAP received tiemstamp: > Is this dovecot related ? or can I configure gnus somehow to not change > the timestamp ? For info, when moving mail between groups from within > everything is handled correctly (also in gnus). As I understand it from the dovecot mail message above, gnus should probably use APPEND when moving and set the date to match the source message. Another view is that the current behavior is right because the message's received date is the time it was copied into the account. But, I think preserving the received date on copy is probably more useful overall.