`C-u g' used to show the raw article. I changed that to `C-u C-u g', and made `C-u g' show the half-cooked article: After Content-Transfer-Encoding handling, but before article washing. Should we reverse the `C-u C-u g' and `C-u g' meanings? We should be very reluctant to change the meaning of longstanding bindings. I want 'fully raw' most often. Once you go beyond "100% raw" and "100% cooked", there are a larger number of potential steps to be omitted. So it probably makes sense to use numeric prefixes. An alternative interface would be to have some keybinding following C-u g apply the processing steps one at a time. I don't really recommend space (haven't thought enough) but how about it C-u g (fully raw) space (content-transfer) space (html/text select) space (wash) .... and g when in incremental-cook mode got back to fully cooked and turned space back to normal?