| 98-02-11 Dave Love list.ding | | Is there a good suggestion for a _simple_ way to use the | results online afterwards? For instance, just invoking browse-url N | times in succession (asynchronously) and emptying the file isn't | right, I think. [I don't know anything about existing implementations | of that sort of thing.] This offline URL cacheing idea facinated me, so I added support to the latest release of my tinyurl.el minor mode. If anybody is interested here is how the story goes: Either: - Turn on tiurl-mode for Gnus buffers and the offline/online detections is automatic. When gnus is unplugged, the urls are stored to *URL-cache* buffer. Go there and push the urls when you're online again. OR - Replace Gnus and TM browser with this snippet and have tinyurl.el package somewhere along load-path. Complete docs for package can be found here. (The new feature is not yet documented in html page, nor it is implemented in the version located in the ftp site, please wait for the news tiny tools release) ftp://cs.uta.fi/pub/ssjaaa/ema-tiny.html#417 Cheers! jari