Hi, Here's a patch I submitted last June which allows the group buffer to show exact article counts for nnml groups instead of the estimate based on the difference of the greatest and smallest article numbers. Kai then helped me to improve it a bit, and then suggested to wait until the feature freeze is over. I guess it is over now, and it would be nice if it could be integrated into No Gnus. (I have all the paperwork done.) It is fairly simple, and perhaps a little bit out of date (after all, the lisp files I patched were probably modified since then), but since they're only additions, it shouldn't be too hard to merge them. Also, if anyone writes functions to retrieve the list of existing article numbers for any other backend than nnml, i.e., nnimap, then it should be able to display exact article counts for those backends, too. Cheers, -- David Hanak - Research Engineer Institute for Software Integrated Systems | http://www.isis.vanderbilt.edu Vanderbilt University | Work phone: (615) 343 1319 Box 1829, Station B, Nashville, TN 37235 | PGP key ID: 266BC45F P.S.: I tried to post this message two times before, first to the newsgroup, second time to the ding@gnus.org list address. However, my posting didn't appear on the newsgroup, while other postings kept coming. Is it because I used a spamified sender address? I try to post with my real address this time, hope it works.