If anybody is interested in writing MAPI-based mail fetcher, here is a program I made for personal usage from PMSEU utility (http://www.genusa.com/utils/pmseu.htm). It is written in Visual Basic (it was first time I've done something with this dialect - never used Basic since my schooldays :-). All parameters are hardwired; some command line/config file parsing should make this utility quite usable. The original program seems to be in public domain (although I'm not a lawyer); I don't claim any rights on my code too. Anyway IMHO it should be rewritten in C++ (should not be too hard since COM interfaces are almost the same) and given proper interface (like GNUish command-line parsing), so it can be made decent part of Emacs; I don't sure I'll do it myself (the "get a disclaimer from your employer if relevant" part seems to be the hardest - there were no precedents in the company I'm working for and it seems that procedure will be quite complicated).