Hello! There's a little "feature" that has been bugging me for a little while now. I have lots of nnml groups, and my split rules often result in crossposts. This all works fine, and in fact I love it. Unfortunately, when I have an article expire in one group, it remains present in the other crossposted groups. Even worse, the article now has Xref lines referring to non-existent files (hard links, really). Here's a real example. I have a message that was crossposted between my "adaptive" and "forrest" directories. In the header, it has: Xref: atropos.cs.unm.edu forrest:1000 adaptive:276 However, I had marked the article for expiration in the adaptive group, and so adaptive:276 no longer exists. But forrest:1000 does, with the reference to adaptive:276! Perhaps it should be an option, but it would be nice if gnus automatically expired all copies of an article. Or, maybe when you manually mark an article for expiration (which is all I do - I'm a pack rat), there would be a command for "mark to expire this article and all of its crosspostings." And, if this is not done, maybe the bogus Xref should be removed. I'd be happy to hack on this, if someone can point me to the relevant functions - I haven't studied the gnus source much. BTW, I'm running pgnus 0.66. Thanks! --Anil -- Anil Somayaji (soma@cs.unm.edu) http://www.cs.unm.edu/~soma +1 505 872 3150