>>>>> Andy Eskilsson writes: Andy> BTW are you also gonna do the same bugs as the german internet Andy> explorer an substitute re: with(uhm what it now was.. I just Andy> made it through my german classes..) I have heard tales of a Siemens MX 500 (I think it was) who had an implementation of SMTP where they said "NACHRICHT VON" rather than "MAIL FROM". Great that it was only in the Siemens `universe' and you could just switch to a SysVile or BSD universe... ARGH! Btw, when my dad replies to my mail with his German MS Mail it sez `AW' rather than `Re'. That thing also replaces `ß' with `B' and `ä' with `a'. Yuck. I guess their wires are too small so the Umlaut dots won't fit... kai -- I wonder why nobody don't like me, or is it de fact dat I'm ugly? -- Harry Belafonte